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Tuesday, January 17, 2012


My mister has three siblings and the one thing they all undoubtedly have in common is MUSIC.

The man pictured above has a reputation, in my eyes, for seeing talent in someone and going above and beyond to foster it.  An honorable way to be if you ask me.  Just this Christmas the Witt boys went for an overdue visit to the neighborhood music store Monty's.  This was the place where they were  shuffled to and from in their younger years, developing their a love for a musical instrument or two or four or eight.

The sister of the house was a dancer of course, she was her very own instrument.

I am forever envious of those who hold musical talent.  You see, where I lacked the natural ear for musical grace I could have made up with determination and practice.  But my grandmother will tell you, I also lacked the stamina for even 20 minutes at the piano despite her loving encouragement.

So I married a musician and prayed for the gene to be passed to my children.  And wouldn't you know it, they got it.  It is a beautiful thing you see.

So was I surprised to see an acoustic guitar presented to a soon to be 10 year old boy?   By non other than Mr. and Mrs. go for your musical dreams grams and papa?  Not in the slightest. 

I was however...


but the story does not end there...

The other side loves music too by the way, I just happened to get jipped.  And Grandpa Jay was so excited about the guitar that he has chipped in for some lessons!  Hooray!  And we found the perfect place to begin a lifetime journey.  And lessons began today.

But we cancelled.

hoping that the hand heals by next Tuesday at 3:15 and no metal doors jam any more hands...

Black and White Wednesday


  1. Oh no! Poor hand! Hope it heals up quick!

    You should buy a ukulele! They're so much fun and make everything sound pretty. :)


    Here's to a better tomorrow, indeed!

    1. Thanks for the well wishes!! The only ukulele we have thus far is for Stars, our American girl doll... I assume one will be on Gabrielle's list eventually seeing that a harp was high on her list this year at age 7...

  2. Beautiful pictures, blog and story!

    I hear you on the musical talent. I am so envious of those with it. I remember my family inching whenever I went to pick up my beloved recorder!! ;)

    Hope his hand gets better soon - ouch! x

    1. Thanks for the well wishes Sarah!!

      I hated the recorder, hahaha!

  3. I was lucky enough to take piano lessons starting at age seven all the way thru high school. Now my fascination is learning to play the guitar...I have the guitar, we bought the dvd's {thought I'd try those first}, but I've yet to start! And of course, I just wish I could play it! Real lessons...just strum away.

    1. My mister can pick up and play anything... I am so envious...

      Take the lessons, I bet you will be glad you did!

  4. Yowza! Poor boy! I bet he will be ready to go by next week though. My husband has been trying to play the guitar for 30 of his 39 years, and one thing I have learned from his tenaciousness is that when somebody wants to rock, they somehow make it happen. :)

    Also, I am so happy you linked up this week; I am loving that first shot. What a great moment!


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