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A Shift

We jumped.

Mr. Witt and I talked about it for many years, mostly while lying on our pillows with all of the lights off.  The desert, quiet out our window, held up the stars that we wished upon.  Why do we feel so out of place most of the time? What would it be like to raise our children in a small town, with running rivers, and ancient forests?  Could we, one day, own a small farm and grow our own food?  How do we get ourselves out of this rat race and into no race at all?  These questions lingered in the back round of our days ....

The desert seemed to have a vice grip on the situation.  The lessons it was to teach me turned out to be harsher than its landscape.  And it kept me there until I surrendered my iron will. 

Matt and I began our life together with a new baby and not much more.  Slowly, we began the journey down that famously named road; The American Dream.  We amassed a boat load of shiny new items, including but not limited to; a brand new house, a fancy SUV, a posh gym membership, designer duds for the lot of us, enough toys for a small country, a beverage shelf stocked full all of the time. It was super fun and dare I say comfortable.


Only time could teach the lesson to be learned; this was not the human dream.

Change has come slowly and not without difficulty.  Giving up things is easier said then done.  It is still a work in progress.  I cried when the sale of our house was final.  I cried really hard.  I miss my kitchen mostly and my grandmother's piano in our living room.  I miss grams and papa every single day.  I miss my friends and my school.  I miss my gym and lunch with my Grandfather.  I miss my brother, a lot.  I seriously miss pita jungle, shogun, true foods and 50 cent iced coffee at chloe's.  I miss those super delicious Tammy Coe cookies at LGO, especially the one with gigantic apples in them.

I cry sometimes; for my old life...

BUT, I am ecstatic that we did it.   I have never felt a love for a place like I do this one.  The people here are my kind of people. The food here is my kind of food.  The weather here is my kind of weather. Existing in a seasonal, forested, lakeside land is our dream come true.  I am so thrilled that we had the courage to wake up off those pillows, filled with our dreams,  take a chance...

and jump.

So far, we have landed right on our feet.

We are here.  A new chapter to live.  New lessons to learn.  I am in love.

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